2025 Child Health Symposium and Child Health Research Day

Call for Abstracts

Submissions Due Feb. 16, 2025

Oral and Poster Presentations

Potential presenters are invited to submit an abstract describing their presentation for consideration at the Child Health Symposium (CHS) and Child Health Resewarch Day (CHRD) in May 2025.

We invite submissions for presentations in all areas of child and youth health research.

Our goal is to highlight research that addresses the holistic needs of children and youth and their families, considering both psychosocial and medical perspectives, and fostering interdisciplinary collaboration to advance the field of child and youth health.

Presentations should be related to:

  • Innovative service delivery models
  • Clinical best practices
  • Clinical expertise and knowledge sharing
  • Evaluations of outcomes and interventions
  • Technological innovations in child and youth health
  • Bridging research and practice
  • New insights into belonging, participation, and quality of life
  • Mental health and well-being
  • Social determinants of health
  • Client, family, and community engagement
  • Basic Science Research
  • Translational Science
  • Clinical Outcomes Research and Interventional Studies

Abstract Submission Details

There are two types of presentations: brief oral presentations and poster presentations.

Note: All presentation abstracts will be included in materials for the conference.

Day 1

Child Health Symposium

Tuesday May 20, 2025
9:00 AM to 4:00 PM EST

Oral Presentation Submissions

  • Focus: Child and Youth Health and Well-Being in Context
    Exploring clinical research in health sciences, disability, and pediatric rehabilitation with a focus on children and youth within their broader environment
  • 15-minute oral in-person presentations
    Short presentations allow conference attendees to be exposed to a variety of research studies and best practices
  • Note that all presenters are required to register as an attendee
    CHS registration fee is $40

Day 1

Joint Child and Youth Health Research Poster Session

Tuesday May 20, 2025
4:15 PM to 7:00 PM EST

Poster Presentations Submissions

  • Focus: Research appropriate to either CHS or CHRD
  • Posters will be displayed at the venue for both days of the event
  • Poster presenters must be present for the poster session and reception on May 20 from 4:15 to 6:00 PM
    Award presentations and Showcase Speaker to follow
  • There may be an opportunity to present your poster on Day 2 (May 21)
  • There may be an opportunity to post the poster on an online platform for conference attendee viewing prior to the conference
  • Poster presentations should use the accessible poster design format
    Examples: How to create a better research poster in less time 1 and How to create a better research poster in less time 2
  • Selected poster presenters may be offered an opportunity to do a short 1-minute oral presentation to highlight/advertise their poster
  • Poster printing fees are the responsibility of the presenter

Day 2

Child Health Research Day

Wednesday May 21, 2025
9:00 AM to 4:00 PM EST

Medical and Basic Science Research in Paediatric Health

Oral Presentation Submissions

  • Focus: Medical and Basic Science Research in Paediatric Health
    Advancements in medical treatments and interventions, cutting-edge basic science research that underpins clinical practices, latest developments in paediatric medicine
  • 10-minute oral in-person presentations
    Short presentations allow conference attendees to be exposed to a variety of research studies and best practices

Abstract Selection Committee

This is a peer reviewed process. The Selection Committee will review all proposals submitted by the due date by looking at the submission title, 250-word abstract and the learning objectives of the presentation.

In addition the following criteria will be considered:

  • Innovation in the field
  • Speaker’s/speakers’ experience and knowledge of the subject matter
  • Timeliness and relevance of the topic
  • Quality and clarity

Proposals will be selected to ensure a varied program. Note that some submitters may be offered an alternative presentation format (dependent on the total number of submissions received). The Selection Committee’s decisions will be final and there will be no appeal process. Selected presenters will be notified in early April and provided with specific details for formatting the presentations and posters.

Abstract Submission Form


  1. Please answer the following questions.
  2. Ensure submitted information is complete, clearly communicated, and spelled correctly.
  3. Once completed, press the submit button to submit the form.
  4. The primary contact person will receive a confirmation email with their form responses.


This is an abstract submission for which event:

Please select one.

Day 1: Tuesday May 20, 2025; 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM, EST
Note: there is a $40 registration fee for the CHS.

Day 1: Tuesday May 20, 2025; 4:15 PM - 8:00 PM

Day 2: Tuesday May 21, 2025; 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM, EST

Please select which event you're applying for.

* required


Please indicate if you are willing to present on a different day or in an alternative format than you selected above:

Check all that apply.

Note: you only need to submit your abstract once.

Please indicate if you are willing to change your presentation preference.

* required


Name of primary contact (the person who will receive all communications) for presentation:

Type your name here.

This field is required

The Primary Contact will be the only person contacted about the proposal, and will be responsible for sharing communications with other presenters and co-authors involved in the proposal.

* required


Position of primary contact:

Example: Student, Parent, Nurse, etc.

This field is required

* required


Affiliation of primary contact:

Example: Western, TVCC, LHSC, etc. or Not Applicable.

This field is required

* required


Email address of primary contact:

Type your email address here.

This field is required

* required


Confirm email address of primary contact:

Type your email address here.

This field is required

* required


Name of supervisor (if student or trainee):

Type your Supervisor's Name (if applicable) here.

This field is required


Author(s) and author(s)’ main affiliation/organization (list in order of contribution):

Example: Jane Doe, Western University; John Smith, TVCC; Alison Betty, London Health Sciences Centre

Type the Author(s) name(s) here.

This field is required
  • List the names of all the presenting author(s) and other contributing authors and full name of each author’s main affiliation/organization (if applicable)
  • Include broad organization name only, specific department/program name is not needed

* required


Presenting author(s) and author(s)’ main affiliation/organization:

Example: Jane Doe, Western University; John Smith, TVCC; Alison Betty, London Health Sciences Centre

Type the names of the presenter(s) here.

This field is required

* required


Keywords (up to five keywords that best describe your presentation):

Type the list of keywords here.

This field is required

* required


Title of presentation:

Type a descriptive and interesting title to inform audience of presentation content (keep title length to less than 20 words). Please Use Title Case.

This field is required

* required



  • The abstract should clearly describe the purpose of the presentation.
  • Reports of research studies (completed or underway) may want to include details of the population studied, study purposes, objectives or hypothesis, method, results and conclusions of the study, implications for practice, and acknowledgement of source(s) of funding
  • It is not necessary to use subheadings to define each section
  • Ensure that the abstract is accessible to all audiences (e.g., expand acronyms, limit use of jargon or specialty/technical language)

Type your abstract here. Max: 2000 characters / about 250 words.

This field is required

* required


Learning objective of presentation (include up to 3):

Type your learning objectives here.

This field is required

* required


Website link(s) to be included in event materials (if applicable):

Decribe the link here.

This field is required

Type the URL here.

This field is required

Describe the link here.

This field is required

Type the URL here.

This field is required


List all publications related to the research talk (in preparation, in press, or in print):

Type a list of publications (if applicable) here.

This field is required

Contact Us

For more information or questions regarding:

Child Health Research Day / Joint Poster Session

Please contact:
Megan Dykstra
Phone: 519-685-8500 *77566


Child Health Symposium

Please contact:
Meaghan McKillop